Hello, one SVN repo synchronized between with Git is consistently failing with error for commit requests.
[2020-06-01 16:19:44.907][pre-commit] Launching daemon, classpath: /home/subversion/svndata/fw-sw2/subgit/lib/subgit-3.3.9_4351_fat.jar
java options: -noverify -client -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djna.nosys=true
java command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
launch timelimit: 1591021194907
repository path: /home/subversion/svndata/fw-sw2
[2020-06-01 16:19:44.907][pre-commit] Waiting for pid file '/home/subversion/svndata/fw-sw2/subgit/daemon.pid' creation.
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] Failed to launch background translation process: timeout waiting for pid file '/home/subversion/svndata/fw-sw2/subgit/daemon.pid'.
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] at launch_daemon (daemon.c:226)
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] at open_connection (daemon.c:359)
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] at hook_daemon_client_send_packet (daemon.c:460)
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] at hook_execute (hook.c:284)
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit] at internal_pre_commit (pre-commit.c:36)
[2020-06-01 16:19:56.408][pre-commit]
it does not appear to be permission-related as we can create files in the subgit subfolder with both subversion user and the users who attempt the commits.
We are accessing svn with svn+ssh protocol, so I am expecting subgit pre-commit hook to be executed as the same user who is committing.
The system has been working for months and was working yesterday. We do not understand what can have possibly changed to break the commits today.
Any idea on how to troubleshoot the issue?
Is there any cleanup command that we can run to get rid of possible unclean failed command, like svn cleanup?