We raised similar kind of issue before based of the suggestion, we used below configuration
but history is still not coming, might be we are missing something here. SG-248
Do I understand correctly that BACEmailer directory previously resided in the repository root and you intend to translate BACEmailer/trunk into ‘master’ branch in Git? If that is correct, then it can be done with the following mapping configuration:
We tried the provided mapping but still getting the same result. We are not getting any commit history prior the date when the folders were restructured.
could you please advise how did you apply the new mapping – just changed it in the existing repository or re-translated the repository from the very beginning with the new mapping? If the former case please re-translate the repository from the beginning; if you already did it and still no history, then it would require an investigation. Please collect the add-on logs on the Support tab in the add-on UI (Create ZIP feature) and also please provide the SVN repository history:
Thank you for the logs, but I’m afraid we would need SVN logs, too – the add-on logs only reflect the translation process, they don’t provide enough information about what was changed in a particular SVN revision which is significantly meaningful for history absence cases like this. May we have the SVN log, too?
Judging from the SVN log, the BACEmailer directory has been added in revision 34950, but it looks that it’s just been created, not copied from another directory or moved from another place in SVN. So there is no way to determine its parent and thus there is no way to trace the history using the approach we discussed previously. However, I found that both directories inside /SVNToGITMig/BACEmailer/trunk were copied from the same place /Data/Production/Application. In this case, you can use the original directories for the import, there’s no need to copy them into /SVNToGITMig/BACEmailer/trunk. You can use the following mapping configuration:
The ‘trunk’ line here maps the Data/Production/Application SVN directory to master branch in Git; the ‘includePath’ line only includes those to subdirectories into the import, so that the rest subdirectories will not appear in Git. The history will also be translated completely as the directories weren’t moved. Note, however, that if you establish two-way mirror between SVN and Git, then changes from Git will go to SVN, too.