We had raised a request History missing where we discussed a case of migration of a repo from SVN to Bitbucket.
In continuation to that request , can you please help us with below query?
Regarding this case, we wanted to know if there is any pattern that is followed in selecting branch name when opting for automatic layout?
For example - When we opted for automatic layout for this migration, the list of mappings generated is as shown below-
trunk = Data/Production/Application/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/master
branches = SVNToGITMig/ECDSurveillanceFeed/branches/*/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/*
branches = Data/Branches/Application/ECD5.0/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/Data/Application/ECD5.0
branches = SVNToGITMig/ECDSurveillanceFeed/*/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/SVNToGITMig/ECDSurveillanceFeed/SurveillanceFeedProcess/*
branches = Data/Branches/Application/*/Application/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/Data/Application/*
branches = Data/Archived/Application/*/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/Data/Archived/*
tags = tags/*/Production/Application/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/tags/*
shelves = shelves/*/Production/Application/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/shelves/*
However, we do not see any specific pattern in which the branches are named for GIT. In one case, it is SVNToGITMig/ECDSurveillanceFeed/ /SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/SVNToGITMig/ECDSurveillanceFeed/SurveillanceFeedProcess/
In the other case, it is Data/Branches/Application/ /Application/SurveillanceFeedProcess:refs/heads/Data/Application/
We would like to know how the patterns for branch names are generated on the right hand side of the mapping(for git branch name).