That is correct, SubGit daemon, which is responsible for the mirror, is not configured to start automatically after the system reboot so it should be scheduled additionally. The daemon can be started either by subgit install <REPO> or subgit fetch <REPO> command or by the very first push to a mirrored repository. So it might be left as it is, the daemon will start on the first push, but the drawback is that the SVN commits are not being synchronized while the daemon is not running; they will be received once it starts, but it may take time and it might be a long after the SVN revision was created. If that is not acceptable, then it’s better to schedule either install or fetch command to run on the system start to start the daemon.
Thank you for your reply.
We will need to schedule using the subgit install command as this is what we are currently using to start the SubGit daemon.
Would you suggest using a shell script to run the following?
no, it’s not a process called subgit, it’s rather a java process, but the full command would contain the word subgit so you can use it to find the process, like follows:
ps aux | grep subgit
alex 1521 0.0 1.2 6034220 212156 ? Ssl янв17 24:07 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -noverify -client -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djna.nosys=true -Dsvnkit.http.methods=Digest,Basic,NTLM,Negotiate -cp /home/alex/pr2/subgit/lib/subgit-3.3.12_4417_fat.jar org.tmatesoft.translator.SubGitDaemon test --svn /home/alex/pr2 --limit 1642424601144