How to get first commit timestamp for an issue or jira id?

Hi Team,

I am a newbie to svnKit. I need to know if I can get first checkin time for a particular issue id or jira number using svnkit library.

Hello Samir,
SVNKit API doesn’t integrate with JIRA directly but if you know the revision number of that issue you can get date by this revision number.


method documentation for that.

As the revision property name you should pass to it

You may also find useful the following method:

to find out which SVN revision number is the first one to related to the JIRA issue. E.g. if you mention the JIRA issue in the commit message, you could get SVN log as a sequence SVNLogEntry and filter them by message to find which log entry corresponds to which JIRA issue. The log entries also have date (SVNLogEntry#getDate).

I hope this would be enough to solve the task you have.