SVNKit + Eclipse - Failed after Server Fingerprint changed

I am trying to connect to a repo in Eclipse after the Fingerprint changed on the server, but it fails.

Where are the Fingerprints stored and can I update the manullay? Can I force SVNKit to accept the new FingerPrint somehow? I am using Windows 10.

org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: E210002: There was a problem while connecting to ******:22
Error getting status for resource ******** org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: E210002: There was a problem while connecting to *********:22
org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: E210002: There was a problem while connecting to *****:22
org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: E210002: There was a problem while connecting to ******:22

SVNKit uses ‘trilead’ library which is Java implementation of SSH and neither SVNKit nor trilead have a system property or any other option to ignore such errors. But you can fix the problem manually.

On UNIX system the fingerprints are stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. I have little experience with Windows 10 but this answer says it’s in %USERPROFILE%\ssh or %USERPROFILE%\.ssh directory. If you want to edit the file manually, it’s enough to remove the line with the corresponding host. But’s better to use ssh-keygen -R <host> command (again, I’m not sure whether there’s a corresponding command for Windows due to little experience).

On UNIX system after deleting an outdated fingerprint it’s enough to run "ssh " to store the new figerprints (you will be asked about that). I’m sure there’s a similar command for Windows.

I hope this information helps.

Unfortunately clearing that file did not work. It did effect the behaviour of JavaHL which asked about the new key.

I think there might be something else going on. I tried adding the repository under a different alias and got this error message.

Key exchange was not finished, connection is closed.
Cannot negotiate, proposals do not match.

In this case it looks like this problem.

SVNKit doesn’t support some options of sshd, as result they can’t negotiate on common algorithms. A work-around would be to reconfigure the SSH server to include algorithms supported by SVNKit.