Welcome to TMate Support Forum - the ultimate source of knowledge and support for all TMate Products!
We are happy to see you here. Please make yourself comfortable and search for the answer to your question, or raise a new issue.
For formatting reference, use this guide.
I have found a bug in SubGit, SVN Mirror, X-Modules or other product.
- Thank you for reporting it! Start a new topic in the corresponding category and submit it there. Don’t forget to specify the product version and the make and version of the Git server you are using.
I have a feature request.
- Same as above - start a new topic in the corresponding category and submit it there.
What if I ask my question in your old Google Group, or via the feedback form at your website, or send an e-mail to your support address?
- Your question will be published as a post on this forum, and you will receive a link to it via e-mail. The answer will be published at this forum, too.
What if I want to ask my question privately, not on the public forum?
- This option is only available for those who have purchased a Dedicated Support package.
- However, you may still send us a private email to support@tmatesoft.com, emphasizing that you don’t want that to be published on the forum. But note, that the questions, asked at the forum, will be answered first!
Why is it so?
- We believe that knowledge should be shared without limitations, and we would like our users to benefit from the experience of the others.
- Also, it allows us to cover a higher variety of use cases - we can’t fit everything in documentation articles.
What happened to my issues at YouTrack (https://issues.tmatesoft.com)?
From now on YouTrack is only used by our team to submit bugs and track the fixes. All questions should be asked and answered on this forum.
If you have used our YouTrack at issues.tmatesoft.com in the past two years, then you should be able to find your issues at this forum. You may log in here with the same e-mail you’ve used at YouTrack, and request a password reset.
If you have not used our old help desk for more than two years, but there’s something there that you need to find, raise a question here, we will find it for you.
And, again, thank you for using TMate Software products!